What should I do if I need to upload to PARS during the scheduled downtime?

From Thursday, November 11 at 5:00 pm CST until Tuesday, November 16 at 9:00 am CST, PARS will have scheduled downtime to prepare for the Tuesday, November 16 launch.  During this time, providers will not be able to use the activity or learner reporting functions via any reporting methods, including web interface, batch uploads, and any web services.  The ACCME recommends waiting on any PARS uploads until after the downtime, and, if using web services, placing programmatic communications on hold during the downtime.  For those providers using the accreditation management system, it will still be available during this time.


Weekly Compliance Tip

Should I enter each session of our conference separately into PARS for MOC credit?

Conveniently, in PARS, any multi-session meeting (like conferences or annual meetings) can be reported as…

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Phone: (303) 557-0859
E-mail: inquire@aoeconsulting.com
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128