What is the best way to provide learner feedback for our MOC activities?

For MOC activities, learner feedback can be given in many different ways.  For most activities, evaluation results can be used as feedback (ie reviews, quiz results, etc.).  The overall idea is to correct incorrect responses so the learners see and understand what the correct/optimal response is.  This is often best done during the live activity but can also be done after the fact.  There are multiple evaluation examples listed in this MOC evaluation guide.


Weekly Compliance Tip

Should I enter each session of our conference separately into PARS for MOC credit?

Conveniently, in PARS, any multi-session meeting (like conferences or annual meetings) can be reported as…

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AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128