Are there types of activities that do NOT quality for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit?

Yes.  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit may not be claimed for learning which is “incidental to the regular professional activities or practice of a physician”.  Examples of this kind of learning include:

  • Clinical experience
  • Charity or mission work
  • Surveying
  • Serving on a committee, council task force, board, house of delegate or other professional workgroup
  • Passing examinations that are not integrated with a certified activity

For more information on AMA PRA activities, please visit this site.


Weekly Compliance Tip

During our self-study, we realized that we have only been designing activities to change learner knowledge… can we still be found compliant? 

During the self-study process, it’s common to discover issues in your CME program that need to be…

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Phone: (303) 557-0859
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128