I need a copy of my Activity Description Form (ADF) for a registered CPE activity. How do I access this?

An Activity Description Form (ADF) is created for each registered CPE activity, but can sometimes be a little tricky to locate after the initial activity registration.  CPE providers can follow the below steps to locate a specific ADF:

  1. Log in to the Provider Web Tool (PWT) here.
  2. Note: After the ACPE’s recent security updates, providers may be required to enter credentials and an email/cell phone number with which to receive a PIN.  Follow prompts as they appear to continue logging into PWT.
  3. Under the heading “Activity Forms”, select “Search Existing Activities”.
  4. Enter information about your desired activity (usually “year” is sufficient), and click “Search”.
  5. By clicking the pad and paper icon to the left of the activity name, a separate screen will open containing the Activity Description Form (ADF).  From this screen, you can select format and export options.
  6. Users can also select “Print Results” after a search to view multiple activities’ ADF information on one screen.

For more information about the PWT or ADF forms, reach out to the ACPE directly via email.


Weekly Compliance Tip

Can we apply for Accreditation with Commendation even if it’s our first time applying for Initial Accreditation with the ACCME?

Initial applicants are not eligible for Accreditation with Commendation.  Providers should note, also… More >


Phone: (303) 557-0859
E-mail: inquire@aoeconsulting.com
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128