For MOC activities, how will I know that the participant data I have uploaded has been validated by the specialty board?

After a provider submits participant completion data for an MOC activity, PARS will verify the participant’s information against simple validation rules, and once verified, PARS will transmit the record to the specialty board (or boards) for validation.  Once that has taken place and the board(s) complete its validation of the data, the participant record status will change to “accepted” or “rejected” within 24 hours.  In the case that a record is rejected, the provider will be notified via email, and the reason for rejection will appear in PARS.  Depending on what the reason is, a provider can correct the data and resubmit in PARS.


Weekly Compliance Tip

Is it permissible to offer multiple types of MOC credits for the same activity?

According to the ACCME, yes, accredited organizations may offer learners the chance to…

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Phone: (303) 557-0859
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128