What kind of documentation of commercial support does the ACCME expect?

Income and expense statements for all CME activities must be available for the ACCME to review. These statements must include:

  • Significant sources of income acquired from commercial interests, exhibitors, tuition, registration, internal budget allocations, or any other source that represents more than 20 percent of the total income.
  • Significant expenses, including staff salaries, meeting costs, honoraria, faculty travel expenses, and any other item that represents more than 20% of the total expense.


Weekly Compliance Tip

If our activity ends up getting cancelled, what should we do in PARS?

If the activity didn’t end up occurring (for any reason) it does not… More >


Phone: (303) 557-0859
E-mail: inquire@aoeconsulting.com
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128