Does the ACCME consider diagnostic laboratories to be commercial interests?

No.  A diagnostic laboratory is not considered to be an ACCME-defined commercial interest if its business is limited to the provision of diagnostic services that provide clinical results or information to healthcare professionals for their treatment of patients.  A diagnostic laboratory is only considered to be an ACCME-defined commercial interest if it produces, markets, distributes or re-sells proprietary diagnostic products or devices to other entities or individuals, such as other laboratories, clinics, clinicians, or patients for the provision of clinical service – for example, providing on-site or in-home clinical results.  A diagnostic laboratory that is owned or controlled by an ACCME-defined commercial interest is considered an ACCME-defined commercial interest.


Weekly Compliance Tip

Should I enter each session of our conference separately into PARS for MOC credit?

Conveniently, in PARS, any multi-session meeting (like conferences or annual meetings) can be reported as…

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Phone: (303) 557-0859
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128