ABIM MOC Assessment Recognition Program Guide

March 2018 Updates

At the end of March 2018, the ABIM MOC Assessment Recognition Program Guide was updated with some key updates.  Providers of ABIM MOC-certified activities will need to note these changes, and make the related updates to their processes and checklists.

Below is a comprehensive list of the changes to the program guide:

ABIM MOC Assessment Recognition Program

ABIM1-5 are now called “Requirements for all MOC Activities”

Renumbering of requirements:

  • ABIM Medical Knowledge: ABIM6-7 (previously ABIM6-8)
  • ABIM Practice Assessment: ABIM8-14 (previously ABIM9-15)
  • ABIM Patient Safety: ABIM15 (previously ABIM16)

Changes to Requirements for All MOC Activities

New Requirements
(March 2018)
Old Requirements
(April 2017)
What Changed?

The activity is directly or jointly provided by a provider accredited within the ACCME system and certified for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM in one of the following activity types:

  • Course
  • Committee Learning
  • Enduring Material
  • Internet Activity (Enduring Material)
  • Internet Live Course
  • Internet Searching and Learning
  • Journal Based CME
  • Learning from Teaching
  • Manuscript Review
  • Performance Improvement
  • Regularly Scheduled Series
  • Test Item Writing

The activity is directly or jointly provided by a provider accredited within the ACCME system.

ABIM 2: The activity is certified for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM in one of the following activity types:

  • Course
  • Committee Learning
  • Enduring Material
  • Internet Activity (Enduring Material)
  • Internet Live Course
  • Internet Searching and Learning
  • Journal Based CME
  • Learning from Teaching
  • Manuscript Review
  • Performance Improvement
  • Regularly Scheduled Series
  • Test Item Writing
ABIM1 and ABIM2 have been combined

The activity is relevant to physician learners certified by ABIM, as demonstrated by the professional practice gaps and content of the activity.



No change here, just re-numbering.

The activity includes an evaluation component that measures the impact of the activity on the physician learners’ knowledge, strategies/skills, performance, and/or patient outcomes. This requirement is aligned with both the ACCME and AMA expectations that the accredited provider evaluates changes in learners achieved as a result of the activity.

ABIM8: (first half)

The activity includes:

  • An evaluation component that measures the impact of the activity on the physician learners’ knowledge, strategies/skills, performance, and/or patient outcomes.
The evaluation requirement used to just apply to Practice Assessment activities and now is included in the “All MOC Activities” group.

The activity includes a minimum MOC participation threshold demonstrating physician learners’ meaningful engagement in the activity and provides feedback to learners.

ABIM8: (second half)

This activity includes:

  • A minimum participation threshold demonstrating physician learners’ meaningful engagement in the activity, and
  • Feedback to the physician learner
ABIM15: The provider defines a minimum participation threshold…
What was included for Practice Assessment (ABIM8) and for Patient Safety (ABIM15) have been consolidated and included in the “All MOC Activities” list.

The ABIM MOC Recognition Statement is provided to learners prior to the start of the activity.


The ABIM MOC Recognition Statement is included in any activity materials that reference ABIM MOC credit with the exception of initial “save the date” or similar notices.

This is still included in the “All MOC Activities” list, but now it doesn’t include the exception of “save the date” type notices.

Changes to Medical Knowledge Requirements

New Requirements
(March 2018)
Old Requirements
(April 2017)
What Changed?

The activity or its content is peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers who are not the author(s). The process of peer review means that the activity or educational materials are reviewed by other clinicians who are sufficiently familiar with the subject matter of the activity or material to be able to render an opinion as to whether the activity or materials align with the learning objectives and are fair, accurate, and free of commercial bias.

Required for all activity types except Internet Searching and Learning, Performance Improvement and Test Item Writing.



Required for: Enduring Material, Internet Activity (Enduring Material), Journal Based CME, Course, Committee Learning, Internet Live Course, Learning from Teaching, Manuscript Review, Regularly Scheduled Series

Everything is the same except now only exceptions are listed, instead of required activity types.

The physician learner participates in a committee process that includes a minimum of three members.

Required for Test Item Writing only.



No change.

Changes to Practice Assessment Requirements

New Requirements
(March 2018)
Old Requirements
(April 2017)
What Changed?

The activity addresses a quality or safety gap that is supported by a needs assessment or problem analysis, or supports the completion of such a needs assessment as part of the activity.



No change, just re-numbering.

The activity addresses care, care processes or systems of care in one or more of the National Academy of Medicine’s (formerly the Institute of Medicine) quality dimensions or one or more of the three Aims or six Priorities articulated in the National Quality Strategy.



No change, just re-numbering.

The activity has specific, measurable aim(s) for improvement.



No change, just re-numbering.

The activity uses measures appropriate to the aim(s) for improvement.



No change, just re-numbering.

The activity includes interventions intended to result in improvement.



No change, just re-numbering.

The activity includes appropriate data collection and analysis of performance data to assess the impact of the interventions.



No change, just re-numbering.

Per ABIM4, the provider defines a minimum participation threshold for MOC, and describes how they will identify physician learners who meaningfully engage in the activity according to their defined requirements. Physician learners are likely to participate in one or more of the areas outlined in ABIM8-13, but participation in every step of the quality improvement process is not an ABIM requirement.



No change, just re-numbering.

Changes to Patient Safety Requirements

New Requirements
(March 2018)
Old Requirements
(April 2017)
What Changed?

The activity addresses at least one of the following topics:

  • Foundational knowledge (must include all of the following)
  • (See the Program Guide for complete list)
  • Prevention of adverse events long list of examples
  • (See the Program Guide for complete list)
No change, just re-numbering.

Changes to ABIM MOC Assessment Recognition Program Policies

New addition (previously ABIM5):

Designating MOC Points

The activity may be registered for ABIM MOC points up to the maximum allowable AMA PRA CATEGORY 1 CREDITTMfor which the activity is designated.  The provider must select at least 1 ABIM MOC credit type for which points may be earned.

New addition in the last bullet point of:

Participant Completion Information

  • Transmit the completion information to ACCME on behalf of the participant by Dec 31 annually


Added the word “physician-led” to the following statement:

ABIM is not a membership society, but a physician-led, no-profit, independent evaluation organization. 

Replaced this paragraph:

The ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program promotes lifelong learning and the enhancement of the clinical judgment and skills essential for high quality patient care.  ABIM Board Certified physicians must earn 100 MOC points every 5 years, 20 of which must be in Medical Knowledge (i.e. “Part II”).  ABIM has extended the decision not to require Practice Assessment in its MOC through December 31, 2018.  However, ABIM Board Certified physicians can still earn MOC points towards the 100 total by completing Practice Assessment activities. 

With this paragraph:

The ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program was created with input from thousands of physicians across the country. It provides doctors with a pathway to know that they are staying current in the medical knowledge they use to treat patients and make important care decisions daily.  ABIM Board Certified physicians must earn 100 MOC points every five years, 20 of which must be in Medical Knowledge (i.e., “Part II”). 


Weekly Compliance Tip

Can we apply for Accreditation with Commendation even if it’s our first time applying for Initial Accreditation with the ACCME?

Initial applicants are not eligible for Accreditation with Commendation.  Providers should note, also… More >


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